A home needs constant maintenance in order to avoid large costs later on. One area a home can see damage is with wood. Wood decay or wood rot as its also referred to is a form of fungus that destroys wood. This shouldn’t be confused with termite or carpenter ant damage though. Wood rot fungus thrives in warm, damp environments although its pretty hardy and can survive more extremes.
Wood rot needs three things in order to survive, oxygen, moisture and a food source. There are numerous places throughout a home where circumstances could be ideal. Let’s consider some of those areas which would be vulnerable to wood decay.
Any wood which comes directly in contact with masonry, soil or concrete
Cracks in foundations
Roof penetrations which have improper or damaged flashing
If there is inadequate grading on a property water cannot drain away from the foundation which will create pooling around a foundation
Decking at ground floor level or deck support posts.
Sub flooring which surrounds toilets and tubs
Areas surrounding corroded plumbing fixtures
Plumbing leaks
If incorrectly installed, you could see wood rot beneath sliding glass doors and windows.
Wood rot needs three things in order to survive, oxygen, moisture and a food source. There are numerous places throughout a home where circumstances could be ideal. Let’s consider some of those areas which would be vulnerable to wood decay.
Any wood which comes directly in contact with masonry, soil or concrete
Cracks in foundations
Roof penetrations which have improper or damaged flashing
If there is inadequate grading on a property water cannot drain away from the foundation which will create pooling around a foundation
Decking at ground floor level or deck support posts.
Sub flooring which surrounds toilets and tubs
Areas surrounding corroded plumbing fixtures
Plumbing leaks
If incorrectly installed, you could see wood rot beneath sliding glass doors and windows.
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